ChatGPT and GPT-4o: From Text to Vision and Sound

As one of the most astonishing AI companies in the world, OpenAI announced GPT-4o on May 13th, 2024.

This time, the latest top model is the one that can reason across audio, vision, and text in real time. This symbolizes a significant advancement towards more natural interaction between humans and computers. The scene from the 2013 movie Her where humans talk with an AI naturally appears to be getting nearer and nearer to us.

This article will provide detailed information about GPT-4o and dig deeper into the background of ChatGPT.

Key Takeaway

1. Introduction of GPT-4o: OpenAI announced GPT-4o, the latest AI model capable of real-time reasoning across audio, vision, and text, marking a significant advancement in human-computer interaction.

2. Enhanced Capabilities: GPT-4o, also known as "omni," processes text, audio, and vision inputs quickly and simultaneously. It offers various benefits compared to previous models.

3. Model Safety and Limitations: While GPT-4o shows significant advancements, potential risks such as bias, privacy, and security issues remain, along with challenges in achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI).

4. Background on GPT and OpenAI: The article also provides a historical overview of GPT models from GPT-1 to GPT-4 and OpenAI, showcasing the evolution and advancements in AI language models.

In the live-stream presentation on Monday, OpenAI Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati introduced the company's product upgrades. One can see how much ambition this company has.

Free and Paid Access

GPT-4o will be provided for all free ChatGPT users. However, those who pay will be given more chances to interact with the new model before it switches back to GPT-3.5 (the old model) which is free for everyone.

Also, free users can access many paid functions before, such as data analysis, uploading files, GPTs and GPT Store, etc.

Desktop Application

During the live stream, Murati shared news about a desktop application for ChatGPT available on MacOS. It will also work for Windows soon. This application will provide an opportunity for users to interact with ChatGPT beyond web and mobile applications, hence making GPT more involved in their everyday lives.

GPT-4o: The New Frontier

GPT-4o ("o" for "omni") is the omnipotent and omniscient AI model. This new large language model (LLM), emphasizing speed, outperforms its past versions. With its capability to process audio inputs quickly, GPT-4o matches human response times. Thus, it makes real-time conversations with AI a reality. This offers a more natural and engaging user experience.

Speed is not the only benefit of GPT-4o. The model is available at half the cost and twice as fast compared to GPT-4 Turbo. It comes with increased rate limits for users and developers too. This shows OpenAI's commitment to creating AI that benefits humanity as a whole.


Multimodal Input and Output

The significant ability of GPT-4o is to process text, audio, and vision. To get a multimodal AI model, you should train the model with multimodal datasets. GPT-4o can take in any mix of text, audio, and image as input and it has the capacity to produce any combination of these types too.

More surprisingly, it can directly observe tone, multiple speakers, and background noises. It can output laughter, sing, or express emotion—something not possible with previous models. This comprehensive method of processing information makes AI more detailed and aware of context, which is an important development for a new generation of AI users.

Real-time Audio Response

GPT-4o's audio response time is 232 milliseconds at the fastest, with an average of 320 milliseconds. This response speed matches well with human talking intervals and demonstrates considerable progress compared to prior models that had latencies such as 2.8 seconds for GPT-3.5 and 5.4 seconds for GPT-4.

Emotion Detection and Voice Adjustment

The new model can "understand" and "tell" emotion from audio and video, modifying its voice to show various feelings. It allows for a more human-like conversation where the model communicates with different emotional tones.

Memory Capabilities

The GPT-4o will have memory capabilities, enabling it to learn from previous conversations with users and perform real-time translation.

Multilingual Support

The model currently supports more than 50 languages, can participate in real-time conversations, as well as interact using text and "vision." It can talk about screenshots, photos, documents, or charts uploaded by users.

Applications of GPT-4o

The potential of GPT-4o is huge. There is a large blank space waiting for people to explore.

1. GPT-4o, as a digital personal assistant, can engage in live, spoken conversations. It can provide more immediate and contextually relevant support to users. For customer service, this can largely improve customer experience.

2. In 2023, OpenAI has already collaborated with "Be My Eyes" mobile app, using GPT-4 to improve accessibility for blind and low-vision people. With the new GPT-4o, individuals with disabilities can use this powerful tool to communicate and interact more easily with the world.

3. As per the presentation, GPT-4o can solve math problems with step-by-step explanations. Real-time translation and pronunciation assistance are also helpful to learn another language. This makes GPT-4o a good educational tool to foster a more interactive and immersive learning environment.

4. Also, in terms of smart devices, the integration of GPT-4o into smart glasses and earphones has potential, which is just what Meta does. For example, the smart glasses integrated with GPT-4o can process image and visual data, respond quickly to voice commands, and do real-time translation for users.

Smart devices integrated with AI

Model Safety and Limitations

As one can see from OpenAI's introduction to GPT-4o, we can find that there are some issues to continually assess. These could be the same problems for other advanced AI models.

Even though the model has undergone extensive evaluation and assessment, there may be some potential risks of bias, privacy, and security.

Moreover, GPT-4o's audio modalities present some novel risks. The audio outputs sometimes change into another language, which confuses the users. There is still a long way to go for machines to possess artificial general intelligence (AGI) and understand intellectual tasks comparable to a human mind.

ChatGPT Models

With elaborating information on GPT-4o, now we can prolong our vision to earlier ChatGPT models and get the basic developing trend of GPT.

What Is GPT?

Developed by OpenAI, Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) is a series of AI language models. These models are designed to generate human-like text based on given inputs. As they have now advanced in understanding and generating content similar to what humans can produce.


GPT-1, the initial version of the GPT model, came about in 2018. It had 117 million parameters and was notable for being able to create smooth sentences and paragraphs. This model used an unsupervised learning method to train. Its uniqueness lies in its capacity to predict the following word within a sentence. It was an AI precursor demonstrating the natural language generation's possibilities.


In the year 2019, OpenAI unveiled GPT-2, a more advanced version with 1.5 billion parameters. This model could produce even longer and more understandable text. It created enthusiasm as well as controversy because it could be misused to make deceptive content. Even though there were concerns about this, GPT-2 showed big advancements in understanding language and creating text.


The year 2020 saw the introduction of GPT-3, a model with a large number of parameters: 175 billion. The text it generates is so close to what humans would write that it has become useful in many areas like chatbots and making content.


GPT-4, which debuted in 2023, is a multimodal large language model. It can handle both text and image inputs. This represents a major jump in AI capabilities because it can perform at the human level across many benchmarks. GPT-4's ability to understand and generate content from complex inputs has created new prospects in AI applications. And it also makes the distinction between AI-created and human-made content more indistinct.

GPT in the Future

As AI technology progresses further, GPT models in the future look promising. We can expect even smarter models with an enhanced comprehension of context, subtlety, and inventiveness.

The direction is going towards multimodal abilities as shown by GPT-4o. The following models might be able to interact even more smoothly with different types of input and output. Think about it, perhaps they are smell or touch!

The History of OpenAI

It is unavoidable to mention the company behind ChatGPT. To comprehend why these updates have taken place, a look into OpenAI's short story may provide some clues.

Early Stage (2015-2018)

Initially Founded in 2015 by Sam Altman, Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, and Greg Brockman. It began as a non-profit research company to "advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole."

From the start, OpenAI was mainly dedicated to developing AI and machine learning tools for video games and other fun uses. The company has greatly improved its research activities in deep learning and reinforcement learning. It showcased the power of the reinforcement learning algorithms through "OpenAI Five" in 2018.

Afterward, the basic structure for the Generative Pre-trained Transformer model was made by the company. This has now developed into ChatGPT.

Transition (2019)

In 2019, the company became a "capped-profit" company. OpenAI shared that their goal was to raise more capital while keeping aligned with the overall goal—ensuring the creation and adoption of safe and beneficial AGI.

Developing ChatGpt (2020-now)

OpenAI has thrown a bomb to the world in 2020. Everything has changed because of GPT-3, a big language model (LLM) that understands and produces text similar to humans.

This is not the end. In 2023, OpenAI's announcement of GPT-4 makes them shine even more on the stage of the AI industry.

The company is still on its way. Even if the new model may not satisfy everyone's preferences, the company does deliver good results.

Just like OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said in his blog post after the announcement, "Our initial conception when we started OpenAI was that we'd create AI and use it to create all sorts of benefits for the world. Instead, it now looks like we'll create AI and then other people will use it to create all sorts of amazing things that we all benefit from."

We will see what OpenAI will offer us with its advanced AI models.